Contes kassem 1

by Sagesse Africaine

Books & Reference


This application offers twenty-five tales in Kassem, spoken in Burkina Faso and Ghana.The wisdom of kassenaOral literature fulfills many functions in society: initiation, education, distraction ... The tale, is more particularly the mirror of the society, it emphasizes the mentalities, reveals the beliefs and values ​​certain behaviors. First, the central theme highlights a problem or conflict within the community. For example, the tale exposes problems in relationships between co-wives. In the outcome, he proposes a solution to this problem. Its a real class of moral education. The tale provokes in the listeners strong feelings and imposes moral standards. The hyena for example is greedy, dishonest, brutal and it always fails in its dishonest actions. His rival, the hare is rather cunning, he wins every time against the hyena. Also other animals such as nightjar or guinea fowl are common sense. In the mirror stories, the two characters are actually the two opposite aspects of the human person: good and evil. The characters that appear most often are the hare, the king / lion, the woman, the hyena, the orphan, the genius ...